The ticket to be issued is mandatory for your entry into the National Park of Samaria.
The ticket constitutes resources of NECCA, as well as of the adjacent Municipalities, according to article 5 of the Joint Ministerial Decision no.ΥΠΕΝ/ΓΔΠΠ/26828/406(Government Gazette, issue Β’ 1414/24.03.2022).
With the ticket, you contribute significantly to the implementation of basic works in the Gorge of Samaria, such as the cleaning-maintenance of the main path, the maintenance & improvement of infrastructure, and the supervision of the area along the main path.
The ticket issuing is temporarily unavailable due to work to adapt to the new Joint Ministerial Decision regarding the introduction of the entrance ticket to the National Park of Samaria. Thank you for your understanding. Please note that the Gorge of Samaria is currently "off-season". For more information regarding the operating period, please visit the relevant paragraph in the section General Information.